This articel will help you to navigate the new RewardsDash homepage.
When a hotelier logs in to RewardsDash the selected property will be visible on the top left side. On the far right side you will see two buttons; 1) Enroll A Guest and 2) View your landing page.
Enroll A Guest: Hotel agents can enroll guests directly into The Guestbook by capturing the guest's email address.
View Your Landing Page: The hotels specific Guestbook landing page will be displayed.
New Guestbook features will be displayed in the dark grey window.
Enhancement Use Status
In the Enhancement Use Status lists the additional marketing tools or best practices. There are three colors representing the hotel's status. Green - Active, Gold - Set up in Progress and Grey - Inactive.
In the activity column a user can request more information in which a Customer Growth representative will provide more information. For the Planner Incentive Program a user can "Submit Planner Rewards" to launch the Planner Incentive Processing form.
By clicking the arrows in the "Learn More" column the user will be taken to an article with more information about the enhancement selected.
The Latest from The Guestbook
This section will list helpful whitepapers or articles involving The Guestbook.
The Guestbook Knowledge Base
The Guestbook Knowledge Base list helpful articles on a variety of topics listed below.
Best Practices
To learn more about the Guestbook best practices click on the arrows to discover more information. Our best practices are designed to make the most out of the direct booking initiates for our partner hotels.